#Hard west overwatch series
While you're resigned to moving a cursor around a map and making a series of choices based on some on-screen text, there's still plenty of strategy required. There's an intriguing economy that exists between combat scenarios and overworld exploration. An injured or hungry sharpshooter will be less accurate in battle, increasing the chance of them leaving this mortal coil. These encounters are purposefully limited, but their effects carry into the rest of the game. Some encounters will follow a series of dialogue and action-based choices, leading to your gaining some loot or getting injured before moseying onto the next encounter. You’ll explore a territory map, guiding your posse into all manner of Western folk into a series of main and side missions. Each one is broken down into scenarios, with combat represented by an isometric view not too dissimilar to the XCOM games or the recent Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics on Switch. Gameplay is divided between two distinct perspectives you'll explore an overworld in a choose-your-own-adventure format where each decision you make can have both positive and considerably negative outcomes on the flow of the story. While much of its world-building is delivered via on-screen text and sketched animations, you'll find yourself investing plenty of time and emotion into the lives and deaths of your posse of outlaws. Thanks to some excellent voice acting and a soundtrack that captures a unique take on this formative period (courtesy of Marcin Przybyłowicz, he of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt fame), this narrative-driven, consequence-ridden experience takes two very different thematic sources and blends them both without diluting either. If there's one thing Hard West absolutely nails, it's the way it retains the palpable danger and lawlessness of the Wild West and infuses it with a noir-ish supernatural edge.